
A number of the topics covered in introductory or foundational courses required as part of 应用科学副学士, 技术证书, and Certificate of Proficiency programs at ag娱乐官网 (ag娱乐官网) are thoroughly covered in high school classes or programs of study.  Articulation agreements with secondary institutions allow these classes to be evaluated and documented as equivalent to specific post-secondary courses.  High school students who complete articulated courses gain the following benefits:

  • 消除高中和大学之间的重复课程.
  • 在他们所选择的兴趣领域为大学工作做更好的准备.
  • Significant savings in tuition and book costs since articulated courses are available at no cost to the student.

ag娱乐官网 benefits from these agreements since they provide an incentive for talented high school students to attend ag娱乐官网 after graduation.  另外, 完成相关课程的学生为大学工作做好了更好的准备,并且能够在更高的水平上开始他们的大学学习计划.  Articulated courses are an important part of ag娱乐官网’s effort to provide a seamless transition from secondary to post-secondary educational opportunities.
  1. 衔接协议文件要求必须满足高中课程或课程顺序,以便被视为等同于特定的北达科他州课程. By mutual agreement between ag娱乐官网 and the participating high school, 完成这些课程并取得“a”或“B”成绩的学生,将有资格在北华大学注册时获得这些课程的学分.  ag娱乐官网 will not charge tuition or fees for course credit earned under approved Articulated Course Agreements.   
  2. Participating high schools will appoint an 的信贷 Program Coordinator (ACPC) to coordinate Articulated Course proposals, 程序, 以及他们学校的流程. The ACPC is assumed to be the high school principal if not otherwise designated.  High school teachers are encouraged to propose courses or course sequences as candidates for articulation through their ACPC.
  3. 北园学院教务长负责制定或提出衔接协议的大学课程,并将对参与的大学和高中人员进行在职培训. 这种培训通常在秋季学期之前的夏季举行,为所有有关方面提供审查现有衔接协议的机会, 提出新的协议, and discuss improvements to be made to our 的信贷 program.  这项培训将与奥扎克斯无限资源合作社的在职培训计划相协调,以简化高中教师的培训计划.
  4. 以便被接受为铰接信用证, 衔接高中课程的课程框架与大学课程的官方课程大纲中列出的学习目标/课程成果之间必须存在密切的相关性. 高中和大学教师之间需要进行深思熟虑的合作,以便在明确的课程协议中正确地记录这种相关性.  保持这一过程的学术诚信是至关重要的,以避免伤害那些诚心诚意地学习学分课程的学生,并避免危及整个学院和个人项目的认证标准.
  5. 作为合作的一部分, 大学教师应就课程期间或课程结束时的考试进行审查并向高中教师提出建议,以确保高中课程的严格程度与相关大学课程的严格程度相同. 成功完成一门课程的学生将被要求参加由北卡罗来纳大学教师提供的最终评估,以证明课程成果已经达到,然后才能获得课程学分.
  6. The learning objectives and outcomes of the Official Course Syllabi are regularly updated based on input from program advisory boards, 技术的变化, 以及就业市场的演变. Annual course articulation in-service training sessions will be used to update all concerned with such changes, 但是,一个成功的铰接学分计划的关键是参与铰接协议的高中和大学教师之间的频繁沟通.  ag娱乐官网’s Academic Deans may require additional criteria for successful completion of articulated credit courses, 比如一个实用的组件, 特定年级水平, 或者最低平均绩点, but these requirements will be clearly specified in the articulation agreement.
  7. 在一般情况下, 明确的课程适合学习计划,导致应用科学副学士学位或完成技术证书或熟练证书课程. 我们将尽一切努力确保高中生了解这些项目中的课程,以及清晰的课程如何加快他们的进步.  
  1. 学区铰接学分项目协调员(ACPCs)应使用“北阿肯色大学课程铰接请求”表格,通过负责的北达科他州学术院长正式申请课程铰接.  所有 的信贷 Program documents and forms are available on ag娱乐官网’s website.
  2. The appropriate ag娱乐官网 Academic Dean will designate a full time faculty member, 通常是该课程的课程经理, as the point of contact for the high school instructor of the articulated course.  大学教师和高中教师将根据衔接要求进行合作,并根据上文A部分所述的程序共同确定是否可以合理地实现衔接建议.  这种合作应该解决高中课程框架和大学官方教学大纲学习目标/课程成果之间的相关性, 建立测试策略, 建立一个测试题库, and identify resources and other conditions necessary to complete the articulation agreement.  这一过程通常会导致对大学课程的官方课程大纲的改进,因为目标更加集中和可衡量,并准确地反映了工作场所的需求.
  3. When the details of the Course Articulation Agreement have been agreed upon by the instructors involved, they will sign the agreement and forward it to the appropriate ag娱乐官网 Dean for review and signature.  A copy of the signed agreement will then be forwarded to the high school ACPC to formalize the articulation agreement. 通常, signatures on Course Articulation Agreements are obtained during the annual 的信贷 meeting of college and high school faculty.  一旦课程衔接协议由各方签署, it becomes effective and students should be encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity it offers.
  4. ag娱乐官网 will maintain a matrix of articulated courses for each academic year by high school.  该矩阵将发布在ag娱乐官网网站上. This website will serve as the reference for admissions personnel in determining whether or not high school students may be eligible for articulated credit.
  1. A student may earn no more than one-third (1/3) of the credits required for an Associate of Arts, 理学副学士, 应用科学副学士, 或技术证书学位,并且不超过通过铰接学分和其他非传统方法获得熟练证书所需学分的一半(1/2), AP, 挑战测试, 函授课程, 并通过认证考试取得信用). Credits earned in excess of these amounts will still be posted to the student's transcripts; however, they will be treated as excess electives and not counted toward the credit hours needed for graduation.
  2. 在批准衔接时就读高中课程的学生有资格在该学年结束时获得衔接学分. 为了获得信用, an agreement must be on file for the same year in which a student completes an articulated credit course.
  3. 一旦课程被正式地表达出来, high school students must earn either an “A” or a “B” in the course and successfully complete the final assessment in order to receive college credit.
  4. 希望获得铰接学分的高中生或高中毕业生必须通过ag娱乐官网提供的签名表格提供他/她成功完成铰接课程的文件,该表格可从该学生的高中老师或辅导员那里在线获得, 包括高中课程名称吗, 清晰的大学课程名称(例如. CIS 1103 -资讯科技概论, 学生姓名及身份证号, 毕业一年, 这门课的字母分数, 完成最终评估的文件. High school courses still in progress may be listed on this form for early enrollment advising purposes. In the event that a signed form from the high school cannot be obtained, articulated credit based on the evaluation of the student’s high school transcript may be requested by the student.
  5. Students will present the signed official form to their advisers when they enroll in classes.
  6. To avoid exceeding maximum credit limits imposed by financial aid guidelines, students are encouraged to request only transcription of articulated credit applicable to their program of study.
  7. Recording of 的信贷 on the Student’s ag娱乐官网 Transcript:
  • 一旦学生成功完成至少一门北卡课程,铰接课程的学分将被记入学生的北卡成绩单上.
  • 任何获得的铰接学分将被放在学生成绩单的顶部,然后再列出通过ag娱乐官网学习的任何课程,并记录最终评估成绩.
  • Credit earned will be designated with the grade obtained on the final assessment and recorded on the student’s transcript.
  • 为了与其他大学项目保持一致, Articulated Course Credit must be transcripted within two years of completion of high school graduation.
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